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Medical termination of pregnancy (MTOP) is available at Vermont Medical Clinic through Dr Jim Glaspole and Dr Fiona Chao. Women who are pregnant with less than 63 days since the first day of their last period are eligible to use this service, subject to medical fitness. It is a highly effective and safe way to terminate pregnancy.

The MTOP procedure involves an initial consultation for counselling, information and consent. Blood tests and an ultrasound are requested at this consultation. The initial consultation has an out of pocket cost of $49.90 to $86.30, or $26.90 to $44.30 for those on pensions, depending on the complexity and length of the consultation. A thirty minute appointment should be booked. Ultrasounds are performed externally and are used to confirm the age of the pregnancy. They are not rebated by Medicare and usually cost $100.00 to $150.00.


At the next consultation, consent is completed and the medications to terminate the pregnancy are prescribed. These are a pack of two types of medication, the first taken immediately and the second 36-48 hours later. The medications are subsidised on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme. This visit has a fee of $319.50 (item 36), which is a gap fee of $243.75.


Unless there are complications requiring further care, a follow up visit is made two weeks after the medications are taken. This visit is essential and is bulk billed. A blood test is taken to ensure the termination was successful, a check for any symptoms of concern is made, and future contraceptive needs are planned.

The net out of pocket cost is usually $330.00 for the medical services at the clinic plus the cost of the medications at the pharmacy and the ultrasound. Complications requiring additional care outside the clinic may incur additional expenses.

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