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Vermont Medical Clinic has Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines available. Booster doses can only be given six months after the second dose was received. Check your certificate to be certain of the dates. People eligible for a third primary dose due to immune deficiencies, cancer treatment etc., during the first two doses can have this dose two months after the second dose. Contact the clinic for an appointment if you are uncertain about your eligibility. The guidelines are here.

Please book online via the link below.


Our staff are suffering extreme stress from the number of phone calls.


If you are having great difficulty following the online booking process, please email, specifying any times you're unable to attend. A appointment time will be sent to you via return email.

Please note:

Do not book within one week of receiving any other vaccine.

Wear loose clothing so it is easy to access your upper arm (deltoid muscle) for injecting.

Do not attend if you have any symptoms of infection, cold or flu-like symptoms, or fever. Please cancel and rebook if you become unwell.

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